Seems that my friend don't want to give me some ants for my spiders. He told me that he will call the ASPCA (The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Ants) and rapport me. Dame I didn't expert that. I never knew that is a society that protects the ants. I can't understand who will want to protects the ants. What about my spiders? What ? They are humans too ? They have to eat something. Is not fare. Is a really cruel world for spiders. Now I understated why that guy from that forum wanted to tell. Nobody want to feed the pour spiders.

Later I will publish his answer and also some more pictures of the second spider that I have collected.

My Ms spider.

I found a really interested spider and I had a closer look, I never new that the spiders are so interesting. Look at all the all colors. I thought that they really have only one color but now after I made him a picture seems that it has multiple beautiful colors just blending in. I put him in a bottle for now, until I get my fish tank.

I think I should give him a name., or maybe is a she . Ok. I have decided his/her/it name will be Ms.

By the way: A asked my friend if it will help me with the food for my spiders, Ms. seems really hungry. I am still waiting for his answer but he don't seem very happy with the idea.

Food for my spiders.

Ok. I have to admit the idea was inspired from a friend of mine that has a ants farm. And now if i think better, I know what to feed my spiders. With his ants. Let's see how I can convince him to give me some ants stake for my spiders.

The idea.

I was reading some forums and one of the guys there had the motto "Feed the spiders" And than I had the idea, let's make a spider farm. That will be real nice. I have a lot of spiders in my house, wouldn't be nice to put them in a fish tank and see what happen. How will they get along in a tight space ?

Yesterday I had counted the spiders in my house and I have at least 20. I am a pretty superstitions guy and is not god to kill the spiders. So I prefer to live with them then make Somebody up there mad of my for killing innocent creatures. So I intend to get e fish tank and put more of the together and see what happens. I am intending to feed them but for now I don't have any idea with what. Unfortunately at the pet shop is no such thing as spider food, I guess they eat insects. I will think about but for now I am going to find a nice house for them.